Portret Leonardo da Vinci

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?

Who was Leonardo da Vinci? Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most fascinating figures in human history. His name has become synonymous with genius,…

geometria wykreślna okładka

Descriptive geometry

What is descriptive geometry? Since the dawn of time, mankind has sought ways to accurately represent space in a comprehensible and orderly manner. Although simple…

Portret Leonardo da Vinci

History of technical drawings

History of technical drawings 1 Technical drawings play a significant role in various aspects of many industries, particularly engineering. They support work at many stages…

część mosiężna

Fundamentals of technical drawings

Fundamentals of technical drawings Technical drawings, sometimes called engineering drawings, are illustrations used to communicate a wide variety of very often detailed information about the…

Obróbka CNC

CNC machining

CNC machining What is CNC machining? CNC machining is a manufacturing process that converts raw materials into a finished product. Computer-controlled machine tools called CNC…

Obróbka skrawaniem


Machining What is machining with CNC machining machines? It is a manufacturing technology of various parts by removing excess material from an initial block called…

Obróbka metali

Metal machining

Metal machining What is metal machining? Metal machining on CNC machines is one of the most advanced methods of metal parts manufacturing for industry in…

Toczenie CNC

CNC turning

CNC turning What is CNC turning? Along with milling, turning is one of the two basic machining technologies. It involves separating a material layer from…